racist, homophobic, transphobic, if u force religion, toxic, xenophobic, misgender ppl on purpose, -14, +19, ect.
details of s/a, screaming at me negatively, aggressive drunks, using "Talia" repetitively to get my attention, mention of animal abuse, or physical abuse
Specific interests!!:
Adventure Time, Studio Ghibli, South Park, Sanrio, Omori, Minecraft, Sallyface, FNAF, TMC, Bingus (internet cats in general) Legos, Outlast, The Office, Bojak Horseman, Heathers, nintendo, resident evil
writing/reading, video games, listening to music, drawing, getting high with ur mom
General interests!!:
Music, CATS, PHOTOGRAPHY, makeup, TEA, RAIN, HORROR, CRYSTALS/ROCKS, HAIR DYE, NATURE, POETRY, ART, READING, biology, learning fun facts, going on walks and bike rides, analog horror, indie horror games, films, (stop motions, short films, animated, horror, thriller, teen drama, adventure, romance, etc.
  • Fav colors!: blue, purple, green, pink, black, red, yellow (istg it changes every day)

  • Fav animals!: cats, deer, raccoons, ferrets, jellyfish, wolfs, sharks, stingrays, tigers

  • fav seasons!: spring, fall :3

  • Fav places!: woods, parks, downtown, sketchy ass concert halls lol 👍

  • Top genres according to my stats.fm : dark trap, indie, alt rap, alt metal, Nu metal, emo, cloud rap, grudge, punk, goth rock